13th Dec 2020

Dear Friends,

In sending to you the newsletter can I highlight as always Christmas services, congregational members decorating their windows with an Christmas carol theme to look at, welcome gift for Andy Finn our new Team Vicar moving in before Christmas (though his service of institution isn't until 23rd of January).

Also in writing can I mention, as well, our Christmas Eve Nativity Services. It has always been the custom of adults from the congregation to dress up as a biblical character. If you would like to come as Mary, Joseph, a King, a Shepherd or an Angel (we have the costumes) then please let me know asap!!!

Finally, look out for a special Christmas edition of The Kippington Cat, telling the story of the Nativity, which will be available on the website from Monday 21st December. (This week’s edition is linked below).

Every blessing


6th Dec 2020

Dear Friends,

Services Resuming

Even though we are in Tier 3, public worship has resumed with services - both in church - of Holy Communion at 8am and Family Service for Advent at 10.30am.

Previous Covid-19 rules still apply:

  • Sign in for track and trace

  • Use hand gel on entering

  • Face masks worn in worship (excluding children)

  • Please avoid all un-necessary conversations with people when entering church

  • Observe social distancing when taking your seats

  • Please leave under direction of the sidespeople when worship has concluded

Thank you for your co-operation.

This Week’s Attachments

  • Winter (December/January) edition of Forward Move

  • Weekly newsletter which continues to have important notices

  • Advent Windows details: throughout Advent a member of one of the team churches is decorating a window with a theme from a Christmas carol. As each day of Advent begins another window is decorated. On the attachment are the addresses of everyone taking part. We hope that you are able to visit - without calling - each address and admiring from the pavement.

And Finally…

Finally, we are putting together across the team a welcome pack/ hamper for Andy and his family. Either - a monetary contribution to enable us to buy vouchers from Tesco for them; or Tesco vouchers; or items suitable for children aged 5 to 10. Please bring them to church or give them to me. Deadline 16th of December as they are moving in on the 22nd. Thank you!


29th Nov 2020

Advent Sunday – 29th of November

For this Sunday morning we have two ways that you are invited to worship:

  • You can watch a worship video of Holy Communion (Common Worship) which will go live from 10am on the Sunday. There is an accompanying service sheet available.

  • Or you can join in with others through our ‘Zoom’ Holy Communion Advent Sunday Service (Common Worship). You do not need to down load a service sheet for the Zoom service as a PowerPoint service sheet is shared on screen. People can access from 10:15am for a 10:30am start time.

    On your Zoom sign in page simply click on ‘join a meeting’ and type in the details below:
    Meeting ID: 895 4008 3580
    Passcode: 239546

    Please bring with you a piece of bread and a small glass of wine whether you are watching the worship video or joining with others in the live Zoom service.

  • Please also note on the Sunday evening there will be a Zoom Team Evensong. 6:15pm for 6:30pm (finishing at 7:15pm).
    Meeting ID: 858 5912 9384
    Passcode: 186029

22nd Nov 2020

Sunday next before Avent – 22nd of November: Christ the King Sunday

For this Sunday morning we have two ways that you are invited to worship:

You can watch a worship video of Holy Communion (Common Worship) which will go live from 10am on Sunday. You will also be able to download a service sheet so that you can join in with the service.

Or you can join in with others through our ‘Zoom’ Holy Communion Service (Common Worship). You do not need to download a service sheet for the Zoom service as a PowerPoint service sheet is shared on screen. People can access from 10:15am for a 10:30am start time.

On your Zoom sign in page simply click on ‘Join a meeting’ and type in the details below:

Meeting ID: 852 2410 0503
Passcode: 432121

Please bring with you a piece of bread and a small glass of wine whether you are watching the worship video or joining with others in the live Zoom service.

Please also note on the Sunday evening there will be a Zoom Team Evensong in the evening of Sunday 22nd. 6:15pm for 6:30pm (finishing at 7:15pm).

Meeting ID: 818 5369 7538
Passcode: 934530

Important Notices

  • We are looking for volunteers to deliver our Christmas cards from this weekend around the parish

  • see notices about both these in this week’s information sheet.

1st Nov 2020

Dear Friends,

Just a reminder that the Family Services for this Sunday and the first Sunday in December will be in church as it is the most appropriate venue in terms if keeping everyone safe and abiding by Covid19 restrictions.

To remember:

  • There will be two track and trace stations to sign in and to disinfect.

  • There is no service order as everything will be on power point.

  • Please do not chat as you come in so as to minimise people congregating, but immediately upon signing please go to your pews.

  • Some pews will be roped off to enable everyone to keep two metre distancing.

  • Please keep a face mask on at all times - this is not applicable to children.

  • Please stay in the pews throughout the service.

  • Please leave under the direction of the sidespeople.

Finally - we are seeking to draw up a list of people (all ages - especially young people) who would like to read at the Family Service. Please let me know if your are interested. While we have a lovely set of families offering prayers. If any other families would like to come onto the list again please let me know.

Many thanks


Again please do not stop to chat in church but wait until you are outside.

6th Sep 2020

Dear Friends,

We have our next Family Service on Sunday. It will be held on the grass area in front of the church. The weather is still looking 'ok'. If it does turn to rain then we will be in the church - as the latter is set up for socially restricted services and was cleaned last night. In order to comply with current restrictions this is simply a reminder about how it will be organised.

  • You will need to bring rugs or ground cover for the children to sit on. You can also sit on the ground or bring your own seats. Please also bring paper and pencils/pens for the children to use during the service.

  • As we would prefer not to give out any service sheets I have attached the service for you to print.

  • When you arrive, please park in the church car park. You will then be asked to wait in a 'distanced queue' in order to sign an attendance list for 'Track and Trace' if needed. It is suggested that you bring your own pen. You will then be directed towards the seating area. You will need to be seated with a two metre space around your family.

  • We are delighted not only to have our Music Group, but also that – as with the choir – their singers can sing! They will be singing three of the hymns. We can also sing reflectively (being in the open air) the hymn, ‘Let there be love’.

  • Children will need to stay with you throughout the service. If they need to use the toilets you are asked to wear a mask and there is a one-way system for using the Parish Centre, with only one family in the building at a time. At the end of the service (after a time of fellowship) you will be directed back to the car park, again in a distanced queue.

Every blessing – Rev Mark

23rd Aug 2020

Readings for this Sunday

Romans 12:1-8

I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of yourself more highly than you ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members, and not all the members have the same function, so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another. We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.

Matthew 16.13-20

13 Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that the Son of Man is?” 14 And they said, “Some say John the Baptist, but others Elijah, and still others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” 15 He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” 16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

Collect for this Sunday

O God, you declare your almighty power most chiefly in showing mercy and pity; mercifully grant to us such a measure of your grace, that we, running the way of your commandments, may receive your gracious promises, and be made partakers of your heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen

Annual Parochial Church Meeting

Dear friends, the APCM for St Mary’s Kippington will be taking place on Sunday the 13th of September, following a shortened act of worship from 10:30am. I hope that, while we observe all appropriate social restrictions, people will be able to come and commend to God the life of the church and all those who have given of themselves in service to our fellowship.

It is with sadness that after a challenging and difficult interregnum, Sally and Sue have decided that they will not be standing again as churchwardens at this year’s APCM. I know that the congregation will want to express their thanks for all that they have done for the life of the church during their time in office, as I and Karen have personally as well for their kindness and help given to us during the brief time we have been with you.

The reality of the situation therefore is that I am seeking new churchwardens in what amounts to a noticeably short period of time – a request to people who don’t know me yet and I them!

A churchwarden is de facto appointed for one year only – as that appointment is always ratified at the next year’s APCM. Due to the Covid19 situation no church’s APCM’s could take place in April and all were delayed. However, in 2021 APCM’s will once again return to their traditional month and so churchwardens would only need to be prepared to stand for seven months.

I am therefore seeking colleagues, senior lay representatives of the church, who will support both me, this church and its family, and the new wider team during this period.

Colleagues who will guide and inform me, being new, on the life of the church and its parish.

Colleagues who will work with the Parochial Church Council to foster the management, maintenance and mission of the church. Seeking to maintain order and promoting peace and unity. Paying special attention to the specific needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults; ensuring that the parish has proper procedures for safeguarding, complaints and grievances; and working with the Archdeacon and Bishop in all things to do with parish and diocese.

I am mindful that the ask is a ‘big’ one from me and so would see it as important to spend time with anyone who wished to discuss the positions.

Please also note that we have three vacancies for PCC arising from one resignation and two where people’s terms of office have been completed.

Finally, there are Deanery Synod elections, with two places to be elected from this church.

The APCM papers and nomination forms can be either downloaded from our web site or found at the back of church.

Sevenoaks Deanery Prayer for Sunday 23rd of August

We are praying today for the fellowship of St George, Weald and for their Incumbent, Mandy Carr.

Thursday 10am Holy Communion

This service  will be resuming on Thursday 27th August. With apology, but Rev Mark had a meeting arranged for him for the 3rd of September. There will not be a service on that date, but then onwards from the 10th September.

Ride and Stride

We are pleased to note that the annual ‘Ride and Stride’ bike ride in aid of ‘Friends of Kent Churches’ will be taking place on Saturday 12th September from 10am to 6pm. Despite restrictions, the event will be taking place this year as in the present climate churches are more in need of funds that ever before. We are pleased and grateful that Martin and Carolyn are riding again on behalf of the fellowship and 50% of what they raise comes back to church. Sponsorship forms are at the back of church, as well as a stewarding form as we would like to keep our church open and manned just so to welcome people and sign their forms for cyclists who come. Thank you for your help.

Green light given to choirs to sing in church – but still no congregational singing

On the 17th August choirs are allowed to sing once more in church. This is excellent news of course. However, it cannot be an automatic return as practicalities need to be looked at. Mark and Len will be meeting to look into this return and then liaising with the PCC. We hope though that the choir returning to worship will take place very soon.

Services next Sunday – 30th August (Twelfth after Trinity)

8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10:30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

Bible readings used: Romans 12: 9 – end & Matthew 16: 21 – end

Collections at services

Dear friends, as a reminder that, for the foreseeable future, there will be a retiring collection as  we can no longer pass the collection plate around. Thank you.

Visiting emphasis

From the 10th August, Mark has been and is visiting all those with roles across the three churches, as Team Rector, until the 4th September. The week of the 7th September he is then visiting all those who have been (and are) on the sick list, or who have been particularly vulnerable. General visiting begins from the 14th September to, firstly, members of this church’s fellowship.

If you need to contact Mark please email mark.bridgen@btinternet.com, or telephone 07375 299944 or 01732 452112.

If you have any concerns/worries/ideas/suggestions or know of anyone who is struggling, sick, bereaved or interested about the faith – please do speak to Mark.

14th Aug 2020

Reflection for the week ahead

In Matthew 6 the Message translation of the Bible reads:

‘Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow’.

One of the great positives of life in lockdown was of being forced to wait in queues; taking time; giving full attention to standing two metres apart; waiting with patience before going down an aisle where two people were; smiling more; eyes making contact. Yes it was all rather strange of having to cross over the road, or even step into the middle of the road (minding the traffic as we did so) if a person was coming towards us - but we always responded to each other when this happened with a gentle laugh, a smile and a thank you.

The paradox in lockdown was that we became closer to one another even while we were moving further apart.

There is still some of that going on – the stepping into the road, the keeping the distance, the queues – but is it just me, or are we retreating back to life pre lockdown. The eyes to the ground; the lack of contact; no smiles and no acknowledgement?

We are all creatures of habit and seem to return to former ways so quickly.

Jesus says: “Give your attention to what God is doing right now.” How we do that is by trying to make each moment of our lives a positive moment for ourselves and others. As we still stand in the queues, keeping the distance, stepping into the middle of the road – all the time perhaps the eye contact, the acknowledgement, the smile.

Yes still moving away, but getting closer to the person as we do so. And getting closer to God in everything we do.

God bless.


Bible Readings for this Sunday – Tenth Sunday After Trinity (16th of August)

Romans 11: 1 – 2a and 29 – 32.
Matthew 15: 21 – 28.

Services this Sunday

8am Holy Communion taken from the Book of Common Prayer (Officiant Rev Sue; Note Rev Mark is taking the 8am Service of Communion at St. Luke’s.)
10:30am Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (Officiant Rev Mark)
(Note Rev Mark is preaching, via Zoom, at the online 9:30am service for St Mary’s, Riverhead)

The month of August

During this month Rev Mark is seeking to visit members of the three churches who have specific roles and tasks (e.g. PCC, Deputy Churchwardens, Safeguarding Officers, Lay Ministers, Pastoral Care Co-ordinators, Music, Children and Young People’s Leaders, etc). Due to the number of people having such roles, general visiting will start from the end of the first week of September.

Midweek Thursday Communion Service

The 10am service will be resuming on the 27th of August.

Services next Sunday – 23rd of August (Eleventh Sunday After Trinity)

8am Holy Communion
10:30am Parish Communion

1st Aug 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are in the midst of the most glorious summer weather and as we look around ourselves it seems hard to believe that the world continues to struggle with the pandemic. New spikes are appearing in many areas, both in the UK and abroad, and we do need to continue to take care and adhere to government guidelines, hard as that is at the moment.

As I was writing this, the words of Psalm 33v20-22 came to mind:

“We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, For we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, Even as we put our hope in you.”

We are attaching a reflection from the Archdeacon of Tonbridge this week and want to remind you all that we have 8am Holy Communion tomorrow morning, and our first 10.30am family service on the lawn by the War Memorial. Do support those if at all possible. For the indoor service, it will now be imperative to wear a mask.

Finally, please hold Mark and his family in your prayers this week as they prepare for his institution next Saturday.

With every blessing,

Sally and Sue

25th Jul 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are excited that Mark Bridgen and his family arrived at the Vicarage safely on Tuesday, and after a couple of hiccups, seem to be settling in well to life in Sevenoaks. They have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown by all of us and the other churches and looking forward to meeting all the folk they now see in the photo book!

Mark's first service in Kippington will be on Sunday August 9th, when he will officiate at both the 8am Holy Communion and the 10.30am Common Worship. We do hope that as many of you as possible will be there, social distancing permitting, to make him and his family feel really welcome.

Bishop James reflections on the Gospel readings for Sunday 27 July, Matthew 13: 31f, in which we hear Jesus tell parables about what the Kingdom of Heaven is...

This weekend, we are attaching a reflection from the Bishop of Rochester for you to enjoy as well as a letter from Mark. There is also a link to something entitled 'Coffee Shop Sunday', which we hope you will all find inspiring.

At the 8am service at Kippington tomorrow, which will be led by Sue Fauchon-Jones, please remember to bring your own prayer books, if you have them, as only the Collect and the Readings will be printed out.

Next weekend, there will be 8am communion, again led by Sue, but also there is an outdoor family service planned, weather-permitting, at 10.30am. This will be led by Jean and will be a chance for the church family to meet Mark and his family, as they will be joining us all that day.

Jean will be sending out details of this service during the week, so please watch your inboxes.

This comes with our love to you all,

Sue and Sally