1st Aug 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are in the midst of the most glorious summer weather and as we look around ourselves it seems hard to believe that the world continues to struggle with the pandemic. New spikes are appearing in many areas, both in the UK and abroad, and we do need to continue to take care and adhere to government guidelines, hard as that is at the moment.

As I was writing this, the words of Psalm 33v20-22 came to mind:

“We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, For we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, Even as we put our hope in you.”

We are attaching a reflection from the Archdeacon of Tonbridge this week and want to remind you all that we have 8am Holy Communion tomorrow morning, and our first 10.30am family service on the lawn by the War Memorial. Do support those if at all possible. For the indoor service, it will now be imperative to wear a mask.

Finally, please hold Mark and his family in your prayers this week as they prepare for his institution next Saturday.

With every blessing,

Sally and Sue