25th Jul 2020

Dear Church Family,

We are excited that Mark Bridgen and his family arrived at the Vicarage safely on Tuesday, and after a couple of hiccups, seem to be settling in well to life in Sevenoaks. They have been overwhelmed by the kindness shown by all of us and the other churches and looking forward to meeting all the folk they now see in the photo book!

Mark's first service in Kippington will be on Sunday August 9th, when he will officiate at both the 8am Holy Communion and the 10.30am Common Worship. We do hope that as many of you as possible will be there, social distancing permitting, to make him and his family feel really welcome.

Bishop James reflections on the Gospel readings for Sunday 27 July, Matthew 13: 31f, in which we hear Jesus tell parables about what the Kingdom of Heaven is...

This weekend, we are attaching a reflection from the Bishop of Rochester for you to enjoy as well as a letter from Mark. There is also a link to something entitled 'Coffee Shop Sunday', which we hope you will all find inspiring.

At the 8am service at Kippington tomorrow, which will be led by Sue Fauchon-Jones, please remember to bring your own prayer books, if you have them, as only the Collect and the Readings will be printed out.

Next weekend, there will be 8am communion, again led by Sue, but also there is an outdoor family service planned, weather-permitting, at 10.30am. This will be led by Jean and will be a chance for the church family to meet Mark and his family, as they will be joining us all that day.

Jean will be sending out details of this service during the week, so please watch your inboxes.

This comes with our love to you all,

Sue and Sally