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Services at St. Mary’s

We are a church family of widely varying ages, from very young children to venerable members in their 90s! Our worship services are therefore planned with this in mind.

We look forward to welcoming you, as together we seek to fulfil the part of our Mission statement, ‘growing in worship’.


Our Sunday services are held at 8am and 10:30am. On the first Sunday of each month there is a Family Service at 10:30am,  usually held in our Church Centre. This is a shorter service with music for all ages led by our worship team. A play area with seating is available at the back of the hall. On the other Sundays we meet in the Church. On the second and fourth Sundays we normally have a Common Worship Communion Service, whilst the third Sunday is mattins – a very traditional morning service taken from the 1662 Book of Common Prayer.


Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)


1st Sunday: Family Service
2nd Sunday: Holy Communion
3rd Sunday: Morning Prayer (Book of Common Prayer)
4th Sunday: Holy Communion
5th Sunday: Holy Communion with Healing or Morning Prayer in the Celtic tradition

Exactly what happens each month can vary slightly – check the newsletter for upcoming services. The 10.30 service is usually live streamed on our YouTube channel where services and sermons can be seen.


A Common Worship Communion service is held at the Church every Thursday from 10am. In the winter this service takes place in the Centenary Room – which is adjoined to the church. NB The Thursday service is suspended during Interregnum. Everyone is welcome to attend the Thursday morning service at St Lukes Church

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