14th Aug 2020

Reflection for the week ahead

In Matthew 6 the Message translation of the Bible reads:

‘Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow’.

One of the great positives of life in lockdown was of being forced to wait in queues; taking time; giving full attention to standing two metres apart; waiting with patience before going down an aisle where two people were; smiling more; eyes making contact. Yes it was all rather strange of having to cross over the road, or even step into the middle of the road (minding the traffic as we did so) if a person was coming towards us - but we always responded to each other when this happened with a gentle laugh, a smile and a thank you.

The paradox in lockdown was that we became closer to one another even while we were moving further apart.

There is still some of that going on – the stepping into the road, the keeping the distance, the queues – but is it just me, or are we retreating back to life pre lockdown. The eyes to the ground; the lack of contact; no smiles and no acknowledgement?

We are all creatures of habit and seem to return to former ways so quickly.

Jesus says: “Give your attention to what God is doing right now.” How we do that is by trying to make each moment of our lives a positive moment for ourselves and others. As we still stand in the queues, keeping the distance, stepping into the middle of the road – all the time perhaps the eye contact, the acknowledgement, the smile.

Yes still moving away, but getting closer to the person as we do so. And getting closer to God in everything we do.

God bless.


Bible Readings for this Sunday – Tenth Sunday After Trinity (16th of August)

Romans 11: 1 – 2a and 29 – 32.
Matthew 15: 21 – 28.

Services this Sunday

8am Holy Communion taken from the Book of Common Prayer (Officiant Rev Sue; Note Rev Mark is taking the 8am Service of Communion at St. Luke’s.)
10:30am Morning Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer (Officiant Rev Mark)
(Note Rev Mark is preaching, via Zoom, at the online 9:30am service for St Mary’s, Riverhead)

The month of August

During this month Rev Mark is seeking to visit members of the three churches who have specific roles and tasks (e.g. PCC, Deputy Churchwardens, Safeguarding Officers, Lay Ministers, Pastoral Care Co-ordinators, Music, Children and Young People’s Leaders, etc). Due to the number of people having such roles, general visiting will start from the end of the first week of September.

Midweek Thursday Communion Service

The 10am service will be resuming on the 27th of August.

Services next Sunday – 23rd of August (Eleventh Sunday After Trinity)

8am Holy Communion
10:30am Parish Communion