25th July 2021

Sunday 25th July Eighth Sunday after Trinity

  • 8am BCP Holy Communion & 10:30am Holy Communion
    Bible readings: Acts 11: 27 – 12:2 and Matthew 20: 20 - 28
    (Mark and Anne are doing service swaps this morning)

  • 6:30pm Evensong
    Bible readings: Jeremiah 26: 1 – 15 and Luke 9: 51 - 62
    Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
    Passcode: 168200

  • (Our service of Evensong takes a break following this Sunday for August and will resume on the 12th of September).

  • Midweek Service: 10am Thursday (Please note there will not be a 10am midweek service on August 12th)

For those on the run…

Highlights from this week’s newsletter:

  • Coffee/ Tea and cake monthly fellowship event: To make people feel comfortable in a return to fellowship, we are offering monthly coffee/ tea and cake mornings. 10:30am to 11:30am in the hall of the Kippington Centre. Friday the 30th of July.

  • Final Team Prayers (in their current format); Tuesday 27th of July from 7pm to 7:30pm. (Entry from 6:45pm). Zoom details below. From September we will be restarting Team Prayers in a new format. Watch out for details.
    Meeting ID: 815 0902 9021
    Passcode: 218012