Dear friends,
Please find attached our newsletter for August which, due to the summer month, will be for the weeks of the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd. Our normal weekly newsletter will recommence for the 29th of August (thus you won't get a mailing for a couple of weeks!).
For this Sunday - 1st of August - 8am BCP Holy Communion and 10:30am Family Service. Only if it is raining will it be in the Centre. No rain means outdoor! Please bring something to sit on and we will be using up our ice cream (cones for the young people).
There are no highlights for those on the run as you should have more time to inwardly digest the contents during this main holiday month.
News in the newsletter about (among others):
Next fellowship event in August
Walk around our parish
Living in Love and Faith course
Team service to welcome our new Curate
Ride and Stride
Christmas Fair
If you are going away this month I hope that you will enjoy a relaxing and renewing break.
Warmest wishes,