Sunday 29th of August – Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
Sunday Services:
No 8am BCP Holy Communion: (BCP 8am services at St Luke’s and St Mary the Virgin)
10:30am Parish Communion
Welcome to the return of the weekly newsletter and for those on the run, highlights below:
(Full information to be found for these and other notices in the newsletter).
Coffee and cake in the Centre Wednesday 1st 10:30am to 11:30am
Walk around our parish also Wednesday 1st - meet in the centre car park for a start at 7pm.
Joan Wolfgang's Thanksgiving service in church Monday 6th at 3pm.
Ride and Stride Sat 11th - please sponsor our walkers and riders (forms in church).
Living in Love and Faith course
Remember Team service to welcome Steve as our new Curate at SMK on the 26th of September - but service time is 10am!
Concert for Sevenoaks Welcomes Refugees 23rd of October at 7:30pm.
Interested in confirmation?
Christmas Fair Sat 4th of December between 2pm to 4pm.