Sunday 18th July Seventh Sunday after Trinity
8am BCP Holy Communion & 10:30am BCP Matins
Bible readings: Ephesians 2:11-end and Mark 6:30–34 & 53-end6:30pm Evensong
Bible readings: Jeremiah 11: 18 – end and Luke 9: 43 - 48
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
Passcode: 168200Midweek Service: 10am Thursday
For those on the run…
Highlights from this week’s newsletter
Walk around St Mary the Virgin parish. Monday 19th of July. Meet in the church car park at 7pm.
Coffee/ Tea and cake monthly fellowship event: 10:30am to 11:30am in the Kippington Centre. Friday the 30th of July.
Last call if you would like one of the spare Kneelers in church:
Please keep a watch out for a separate mailing next week – independent of the newsletter – that will set out, following Church of England’s guidelines, how we will be responding to the lifting of full restrictions from July 19th.
Forward Move
The summer edition of Forward Move, the church magazine, is now available on the web site.