Sunday 11th July Sixth Sunday after Trinity
8am BCP Holy Communion & 10:30am Parish Communion
Bible readings: Ephesians 1:3-14 and Mark 6:14-296:30pm Evensong
Bible readings: Wisdom of Solomon 4: 7 - 14 and Matthew 7:1-6
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
Passcode: 168200Midweek Service: 10am Thursday
For those on the run
Highlights from the weekly newsletter:
Check out the photo of last Sunday’s birthday cake in the newsletter. Super design and excellent cake!
Friday 30th of July 10:30am to 11:30am next coffee/ tea and cake morning in Kippington Centre.
Remember to grab your blue church kneeler – spare ones the church doesn’t now need. Found in the centenary room in church.
Next walk around our parishes. The turn of St Mary the Virgin. 7pm – meet at the church on Monday 19th of July.
Mark is back visiting – jump the queue by requesting a visit early!
Monday 13th of July at 1pm – meeting for all those who can help put on our mini Christmas Fair. Centenary room in church.
Ride and stride Saturday 11th of September. Fancy ride or walking (collecting sponsors) around the local churches, or manning the church for those who visit us.
Contact the parish office if you would like to have our Forward Move monthly magazine delivered.