4th July 2021

Sunday 4th July Fifth Sunday after Trinity

  • 8am BCP Holy Communion
    Bible readings: 2 Corinthians 12: 2 - 10 and Mark 6: 1 - 13

  • 10:30am Family Service (outside or Church if wet)
    Bible reading: 1 Corinthians 12: 12 - 27

  • 6:30pm Evensong
    Bible readings: 1 Samuel 20: 1 - 17 and Acts 14: 1 - 20.
    Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
    Passcode: 168200

  • Midweek Service: 10am Thursday

For those on the run…

Full details in the newsletter.

Our birthday Sunday celebration: 10:30am Family Service this Sunday at 10:30am. Following worship, refreshments, plants on sale; birthday cake and ice cream. Wet weather programme in case it is raining or the ground is too wet service in church. As full restrictions will not now be lifted until the 19th of July the Centre is too ‘small’ for the service. The service will therefore be in church if needed and in the centre we will be laying out all the refreshments. 

Coffee/ Tea and cake monthly fellowship event: 10:30am to 11:30am in the hall of the Kippington Centre. No need to book. Friday the 30th of July.

Kneelers in church: Spare ones to go to a good home are to be found in the centenary room in church. Please take whatever number you wish.

Invitation to any from the three churches for a walk around each of our respective parishes:  lovely group of people walking around with Anne St Luke’s parish last Wednesday. Walk around the parish of St Mary the Virgin Monday 19th of July and then St Mary Kippington parish on Wednesday 1st of September. 7pm – meet in the church car parks.

St Mary Kippington Christmas Fair: Saturday 4th of December. More helpers on the day required. We will be organising a get together for helpers on Monday 13th of July at 1pm in the centenary room in church. 

A prayer for Steve, our Curate coming to join us in September in the newsletter.