23rd February 2025 - Second Sunday before Lent


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here


To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New notices this week

Our Sunday Services:
There will be NO 8.00am Holy Communion service this Sunday. 
Rev Richard Arding will be presiding at our 10.30am service of Holy Communion. 

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated.
The start time for the combined Ash Wednesday service has been changed.

Donations to Loaves N Fishes
An updated message from Sharon Fishwick.  Financial donations are still very welcome.

Christian Aid Frugal Lunch
Please see the newsletter for further information about this annual event.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

16th February 2025 - Fifth Sunday before Lent


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New Notices this week

Our Sunday Services:
There will be NO 8.00am Holy Communion service this Sunday.  Rev Richard Howlett will be presiding at our 10.30am service of Holy Communion 

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated.
More Dates for your Diary have been added, so please do check it out.

Electoral Roll
Application forms are available at the back of Church and on the Church website.  The Electoral Roll is being compiled from scratch this year, so if you were previously on it, you will need to apply to be readded.  Further information relating to this is also available at the back of Church or on the website, if you would prefer.

Donations to Loaves N Fishes
Thank you to everyone who donated to Loaves N Fishes so generously last Sunday.  If you would still like to make a donation, please speak to Sharon Fishwick.

Interregnum Update
Please see the newsletter for the most recent update.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

9th February 2025 - The Fifth Sunday after Epiphany


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New notices this week

Our Sunday Services:
Rev Adie McCall will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service and Sue Shepherd will be leading our Mattins Service, during which Isabelle Mercer will be talking to us about her work with Loaves N Fishes.

Service Swaps
Please note that this Sunday is Mattins at 10.30am and next Sunday, 16th February, will be Holy Communion at 10.30am.  The services on these two Sundays have been swapped.

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated.
More information regarding the World Day of Prayer Service has been added.  Please read the full entry in the newsletter.

Electoral Roll
Information regarding the new Electoral Roll can be found on page 5 of the newsletter.  Once you have read the Dates for Your Diary section, please keep scrolling down and you will find it. It is also available in the News section of the website

Interregnum Update
Please see the newsletter for the most recent update.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

2nd February 2025 - Presentation of Christ the King in the Temple


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New notices this week:

Our Sunday Services:
Please note there will be NO 8.00am BCP Holy Communion this Sunday.  Our thanks go to Chris Saunders, who will be leading our Family Service at 10.30am.

Service Swaps
Please note that on Sunday 9th February at 10.30am, we will be holding our service of Morning Prayer whilst on Sunday 16th February at 10.30am, we will be holding a service of Holy Communion.  The services on those two Sundays have been swapped over.

Coffee Rota
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to serve hot drinks after the service each week.  If you would like to join the team, please do ask to shadow someone whilst you learn the ropes.   Please talk to Brenda in the first instance.  We would love to have you. 

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated.
The time of the Maundy Thursday service has been changed.  Please check the newsletter for the updated time.

Electoral Roll
Please see the notice from Zoe Anderson, regarding the generation of a new Electoral Roll.  Everyone needs to fill in a form if they wish to remain on, or be added to, the Electoral Roll.  There are various ways of achieving this, so do please read the notice to find out how.  Thank you.

The Real Easter Egg Company
Please see the notice in the newsletter from Sharon Fishwick about donating an Easter Egg to all the children who are supported by Loaves N Fishes.  

Loaves N Fishes
We are delighted to be able to tell you that Isabelle Mercer, who works with Loaves N Fishes, has agreed to come and talk to us about the incredible work they do in supporting local families. Isabelle's talk will be during the service of Morning Prayer on February 9th.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

26th January 2025- Third Sunday of Epiphany


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New notices this week

Our Sunday Services:
We are very lucky to have Rev Lynette Leithead presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion service and Rev Richard Arding presiding at our 10.30am Holy Communion service this Sunday.

Coffee Rota:
There is currently no one on the rota for this Sunday.  Bearing in mind how much we all needed a warming cuppa after the service last Sunday, please do offer for this week, if you possibly can.   If are able to help, firstly that would be amazing and secondly, please let Brenda know.  

On behalf of the Church family, I would like to say a heartfelt thank you to Laura and Ed who kindly stepped into the breach last Sunday.  I know everyone was very appreciative.  Thank you.

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated:
Please do read the back page of the newsletter for details of upcoming events.  Extra dates have been added, so please do put those in your diary as well.  

An update on our Interregnum and future as a Church:
This is the last week that this particular notice will be in our newsletter, so do make sure you are familiar with all the details before it is removed. 
Please pray for the whole process moving forward.   


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

19th January 2025 - Second Sunday of Epiphany


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

New notices this week

8am Holy Communion
Please note there will be NO Holy Communion service at 8.00am this Sunday.  Everyone is very welcome to join St Luke's.  

The Dates for your Diary section is back!
Please do read the back page of the newsletter for details of our Easter services.

An update on our Interregnum and future as a Church. 
This is not a new notice, but bearing in mind the importance of everyone seeing it, I will leave it in the newsletter for next week as well. 
Please read the full notice in the newsletter and do pray, please, for the whole process moving forward.   


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you

12th January 2025 - First Sunday of Epiphany -


This is the first Newsletter of 2025.  We wish you a year full of God's love and joy.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.  

New notices this week


Jill Jones
Please remember Rev Stephen Jones in your prayers as he mourns the loss of Jill, his wife.

Update on our Interregnum and future as a Church. 
Please read the full notice in the newsletter and pray for the whole process moving forward.   


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

Church Services for the Christmas Period


This will be the last newsletter of 2024, so do please keep hold of it to remind you of all our upcoming services.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   There will however be no Thursday services over the Christmas period.  Rev Anne Bourne will be restarting these services on Thursday 9th January and looks forward to welcoming us once again.

Please read the Newsletter for further details  

New notices this week

As this newsletter is the last one for 2024, it contains a round-up of all our Christmas Services. 

Please do find the message from Sharon Fishwick concerning our donations to Loaves N Fishes.  Thank you everyone for your amazing generosity.

There will be NO 10.00am Holy Communion Services at St Luke's on Thursdays over the Christmas period.  They will be starting again on Thursday 9th January.

If you have any notices for our first newsletter of 2025, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday 7th January via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your families and a very Happy New Year. 

God be with you and bless you all.

15th December 2024 - Third Sunday of Advent


Please note there is NO 8.00am Holy Communion Service this Sunday, so we have been invited to join St Luke's instead.  Sue Shepherd will be leading our Mattins Service at 10.30am.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details. 

New notices this week

No new notices this week, but there is more information available about our Christmas Services.  

Carol Singing at the Station can involve wearing a Santa hat, reindeer antlers or an elf hat, if you would like to.

Our Midnight Holy Communion Service has been designed exclusively for us by Rev Richard Arding, who will also be presiding.  

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

8th December 2024 - the Second Sunday of Advent


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Anne Bourne who will be presiding at both our 8.00am and 10.30am Holy Communion services.    

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.


New notices this week

No new notices this week, but there is more information about our Christmas Services including a special message to the children.  

Carol Singing at the Station can involve wearing a Santa hat, reindeer antlers or an elf hat, if you would like to.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

1st December 2024 - The First Sunday of Advent


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Richard Howlett who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service and to Rev Steve Osei-Mensah who will be presiding at our 10.30am Family Service.    

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.  

New notices this week

There are no new notices this week apart from to say a big thank you to Rev Anne Bourne for running our Advent Study Groups for us.  The group meeting on Wednesday evenings in the Wreford Room is already under way and the Friday group starts next week, on 6th December in the Lady Chapel at St Luke's Church at 9.30am.  There is still time to sign up for this group, if you would like to.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

24th November 2024 - The Sunday next before Advent/Christ the King


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Adie McCall who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service.  There is NO 10.30am service at St Mary Church, Kippington this Sunday.   

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.


New notices this week

Tea and Coffee Rota
The  tea and coffee rota is now available, so do please put your name down for future weeks.  If no one offers, there will be no tea or coffee after the service.

Sunday 24th November
There will be NO 10.30am service at St Mary Church, Kippington.

Our Team Confirmation Service starts at 10.00am (please note earlier start time) and will be held at St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead, as it is their turn to host this year.  Bishop Simon will be presiding.  Please hold James Andrews in your prayers as he prepares for his Confirmation this Sunday.   Please do come and support him and the Team Church choir at this special service.

Advent Study Group
Rev Anne Bourne is holding two Advent Study Groups for us, one on Wednesday evenings and the other on Friday mornings.  The Wednesday group begins this coming Wednesday, 27th November. The Friday group starts on Friday, 6th December.  For start times and locations, please see the newsletter.

Church Christmas cards
The cards advertising our Christmas services are available for distribution at the back of Church.  Further details in the newsletter.

New Dates for Your Diary
Wednesday 27th November,  first session of the Advent study group. Please see the newsletter for further details on dates, times and locations.

Tuesday 17th December, Christian Aid Carol singing at Sevenoaks Station

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

17th November 2024 - the Second Sunday before Advent


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Anne Bourne who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service and to Rev Steve Osei-Mensah who will be presiding at our 10.30am service of Holy Communion.    

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

New notices this week

Tea and Coffee Rota
We need two people, please, to offer to serve refreshments this Sunday.  If you can offer to help, please see the newsletter for Brenda's  contact details.  The rota will be available from this Sunday onwards, so do please put your name down for future weeks.  If no one offers, there will be no tea or coffee after the service.

Sunday 24th November
There will be NO 10.30am service at St Mary Church, Kippington.

Our Team Confirmation Service starts at 10.00am (please note earlier start time) and will be held at St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead, as it is their turn to host this year.  Bishop Simon will be presiding.  Please hold James Andrews in your prayers as he prepares for his Confirmation.  Further information about this service is in the newsletter.

Advent Study Group
Rev Anne Bourne is holding two Advent Study Groups for us, one held on Wednesday evenings and the other on Friday mornings.  Further details about these are in the newsletter.


New Dates for Your Diary
Advent Study Groups - Wednesday evenings and Friday mornings.  Please see the newsletter for further details on dates, times and locations.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

10th November 2024 - Third Sunday before Advent and Remembrance Sunday


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Angus MacLeay who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service and to Ven Liz Adekunle who will be leading our Remembrance Mattins Service at 10.30am.  Please note that both of these services will be held in Church.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details. 

New notices this week

Heating in Church
The boilers are installed and happily heating the Church for us.

Dates for Your Diary
The Cantate Choir will be holding a concert in Church this Saturday.  See the Dates section at the bottom of the newsletter for more information.

Team Confirmation Service
The start time for the Confirmation Service will be 10.00am and it will be held at St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead.  This service will feature a combined Church Choir.

Baby Grand Piano
If you would like to be the proud owner of a Yamaha Baby Grand, please the newsletter.


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

3rd November 2024 - Fourth Sunday before Advent


We would like to extend a very warm welcome and a huge thank you to Rev Richard Howlett who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion service.  The 10.30am Family Service will be held in the Centre, as usual.

The 8.00am Holy Communion Service will be in The Church.
The 10.30am Family Service will be in the Centre.
The 4.00pm All Souls Service will be at St Luke's Church.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

New notices this week

Heating in Church
Please see the updated notice regarding the Church boilers and for future Sunday services.

Dates for Your Diary
The Cantate Choir will be holding a concert in Church.  See the Dates section at the bottom of the newsletter for more information.

Team Confirmation Service
Please note start time and location of this special service.  More information will be added next week.


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

27th October 2024 - Last Sunday after Trinity


We would like to extend a very warm welcome and a huge thank you to Rev Adie Macall who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion service and to Rev Richard Arding, who will be presiding at our 10.30am Mattins service.

The 8.00am Holy Communion Service will be in The Centenary Room.
The 10.30am Mattins Service will be in the Centre.
Please see the newsletter for further information.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate………Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here.  


During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

New notices this week

Heating in Church
Please see the updated notice regarding the Church boilers and for this Sunday's services.

Donating to the Church
If you would like to donate to the Church by setting up a Standing Order with your Bank, please click on the link at the top of this email.


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

20th October 2024 - Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity


We would like to extend a very warm welcome and a huge thank you to Rev Lynette Leithead who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion service and to Rev Simon Whiteside, who will be presiding at our 10.30am Mattins service.

The 8.00am Holy Communion Service will be in The Centenary Room.
The 10.30am Mattins Service will be in the Centre.
Please see the newsletter for further information.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online, through our QR code, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate


During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

New notices this week

Heating in Church
Both boilers died last Sunday in their efforts to heat the Church so for the next few weeks, please check the top of this email and the newsletter for the location of our Sunday services.  Further information on this is in the newsletter.

Thursday Holy Communion Service
The next Holy Communion Service at St Luke's will be on Thursday 24th October and on every Thursday thereafter, until further notice.  


All Souls Service
St Luke's Church is holding an All Souls service on Sunday 2nd November, starting at 4.00pm.  Please see the newsletter regarding the submission of names.


Further details about these new notices can be found in the newsletter.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

13th October 2024 - Twentieth Sunday after Trinity


Rev Steve Osei-Mensah will be taking both Communion Services this Sunday. 

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be through our QR code, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. 


During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.  

New notices this week

The heating in Church has been temporarily fixed, so both the 8.00am and the 10.30am Holy Communion services will be in Church.

Thursday Holy Communion Service
There will be NO 10.00am Holy Communion Service at St Luke's on Thursday 17th October.

Livestreaming the Services in Church
The livestreaming through YouTube is now back up and running.  

A Big Thankyou from Loaves & Fishes
Loaves & Fishes have sent through a big thankyou to everyone who donated items over the Harvest Weekend.

Further details regarding these new notices can be found in the newsletter.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

6th October 2024 - Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity


There will be NO 8.00am Holy Communion service at Kippington this Sunday, instead we are very welcome to join St Luke's at theirs.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be through our QR code, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate.


During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  


NEW Notices this week

Sunday's 8.00am Holy Communion Service
For this Sunday, our 8.00am service of Holy Communion will be at St Luke's Church. 

Harvest Festival Service - change of venue
Our Harvest Festival Family Service will be held in the Kippington Centre, as it is warmer than being in the Church.

Our Interregnum
Further information regarding our period of Interregnum has been provided by the PCC, with a further update hopefully due at the end of January.

Further details regarding these new notices can be found in the newsletter.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.

29th September 2024 - Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity


We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Richard Arding who is presiding at 8.00am Holy Communion which, for this week only, will be at St Luke's Church.  Our 10.30am Holy Communion will be at St Mary Church, as per usual.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be through our QR code, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate.


During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New Notices this week

Sunday's 8.00am Holy Communion Service
For this Sunday only, our 8.00am service of Holy Communion will be at St Luke's Church.   details regarding this new notice can be found in the newsletter.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.