2nd February 2025 - Presentation of Christ the King in the Temple


The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   These services are held at 10.00am every Thursday.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  

New notices this week:

Our Sunday Services:
Please note there will be NO 8.00am BCP Holy Communion this Sunday.  Our thanks go to Chris Saunders, who will be leading our Family Service at 10.30am.

Service Swaps
Please note that on Sunday 9th February at 10.30am, we will be holding our service of Morning Prayer whilst on Sunday 16th February at 10.30am, we will be holding a service of Holy Communion.  The services on those two Sundays have been swapped over.

Coffee Rota
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to serve hot drinks after the service each week.  If you would like to join the team, please do ask to shadow someone whilst you learn the ropes.   Please talk to Brenda in the first instance.  We would love to have you. 

The Dates for your Diary section has been updated.
The time of the Maundy Thursday service has been changed.  Please check the newsletter for the updated time.

Electoral Roll
Please see the notice from Zoe Anderson, regarding the generation of a new Electoral Roll.  Everyone needs to fill in a form if they wish to remain on, or be added to, the Electoral Roll.  There are various ways of achieving this, so do please read the notice to find out how.  Thank you.

The Real Easter Egg Company
Please see the notice in the newsletter from Sharon Fishwick about donating an Easter Egg to all the children who are supported by Loaves N Fishes.  

Loaves N Fishes
We are delighted to be able to tell you that Isabelle Mercer, who works with Loaves N Fishes, has agreed to come and talk to us about the incredible work they do in supporting local families. Isabelle's talk will be during the service of Morning Prayer on February 9th.

If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org. Thank you.