We would like to extend a warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Angus MacLeay who will be presiding at our 8.00am Holy Communion Service and to Ven Liz Adekunle who will be leading our Remembrance Mattins Service at 10.30am. Please note that both of these services will be held in Church.
The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.
Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here.
During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel. Please see the newsletter for further details.
New notices this week
Heating in Church
The boilers are installed and happily heating the Church for us.
Dates for Your Diary
The Cantate Choir will be holding a concert in Church this Saturday. See the Dates section at the bottom of the newsletter for more information.
Team Confirmation Service
The start time for the Confirmation Service will be 10.00am and it will be held at St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead. This service will feature a combined Church Choir.
Baby Grand Piano
If you would like to be the proud owner of a Yamaha Baby Grand, please the newsletter.
If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email: Thank you.