Church Services for the Christmas Period


This will be the last newsletter of 2024, so do please keep hold of it to remind you of all our upcoming services.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be online through our QR code, Bank standing orders, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate. Or, to make a donation straight away, just click here



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   There will however be no Thursday services over the Christmas period.  Rev Anne Bourne will be restarting these services on Thursday 9th January and looks forward to welcoming us once again.

Please read the Newsletter for further details  

New notices this week

As this newsletter is the last one for 2024, it contains a round-up of all our Christmas Services. 

Please do find the message from Sharon Fishwick concerning our donations to Loaves N Fishes.  Thank you everyone for your amazing generosity.

There will be NO 10.00am Holy Communion Services at St Luke's on Thursdays over the Christmas period.  They will be starting again on Thursday 9th January.

If you have any notices for our first newsletter of 2025, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday 7th January via the office email: Thank you.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas with your families and a very Happy New Year. 

God be with you and bless you all.