Highlights from the newsletter for those on the run:
Sunday Services
8am BCP Holy Communion and 10:30am Parish Communion - we welcome Anne Bourne taking our morning services today, while Mark is at St. Luke’s.
6:30pm Evensong (Zoom - Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394; Passcode: 168200)
Team service for Ascension
Thursday 13th of May at 7:30pm
With Attend in person or watch live stream. Zoom details are below. Service order attached.
Meeting ID: 885 9464 6445
Passcode: 278252
Thy Kingdom Come May
At our Team Service for Ascension Day we are going to be encouraged to think of 5 people who we know that don’t know Jesus and to pray for them for 10 days. Between May 17th and May 21st there is the opportunity to meet together on Zoom each night at 7pm for twenty minutes to pray Evening Prayer together and to pray for the 5 people we have chosen. (Meeting ID: 815 0902 9021; Passcode: 218012).
St Mary the Virgin Church Zoom Concert
5pm Sunday 9th May
The login for the concert will be: Meeting ID: 616 146 1466; Password: Concert
Sunday morning creche
Running alongside Sunday Club from the 23rd of May. Need a couple more volunteers. Contact Mark for details.