Sunday 16th May Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday Services: 8am BCP Holy Communion and 10:30am Matins
Bible readings: Acts 1: 15 – 17 & 21 – 26 and John 17: 6 - 19
There is NO 6:30pm Evensong service tonight.
For those on the run…
Highlights below – with more information in the newsletter and other important notices as well.
Thy Kingdom Come: We are encouraging all in our congregations to think of 5 people who we know that don’t know Jesus and to pray for them for 10 days. Please don't worry if you can't think of 5 - just praying for 1 person makes a difference. This Week Between May 17th and May 21st there is the opportunity to meet together on zoom each night at 7pm to pray Evening Prayer together and to pray for the 5 people we have chosen. (Meeting ID: 815 0902 9021; Passcode: 218012)
Coffee/Tea and Cake: To make people feel comfortable in a return to fellowship, Rev Mark is your host for four monthly coffee/tea and cake mornings. They are from 10:30am to 11:30am in the main hall of the Kippington Centre. Just turn up.
Sidespeople Appeal: To help at both our Family Services (first Sunday of the month) and we have a few slots where we need help at other service times.
Further information soon: A special outdoor Family Service marking the church’s birthday will take place on the 4th of July.
As a church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously. If you have any concerns, then please contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Wendy Pritchard, our Team Rector, or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer. All of their details for contact can be found on the ‘Safer Church’ Poster in the children’s corner at the back of church.