8am Holy Communion service (BCP)
10:30am Parish Communion
Bible Readings: Acts 9: 36 - end and John 10: 22 - 306:30pm Zoom Evensong
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 and Passcode: 168200Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
Our APCM next Sunday in church at 10:30am, beginning with an opening devotion. Chance for us all to pray and support the church family. One place still vacant for PCC membership. Have you thought of standing? Finishing time 11:30am so to have refreshments following as normal in the centre. Accounts and reports at the back of church. Please note that being the third Sunday, Matins - that would normally have taken place on this date - will instead take place on the fifth Sunday of this month - the 29th of May. Apology for the APCM please send to either Caroline Howe (PCC Secretary) or Rev Mark.
Full listening of our events to celebrate Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee - also flyer to distribute if possible.
Prayer for Ukraine and ways you can help
Church opening times - now includes Saturday!
Coffee and cake fellowship dates
Details of next Pit stop discussion
Christian Aid Frugal Lunch and Christian Aid Collection at Railway Station
Ascension Day services - morning church and evening Team service
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank - update of items required and not require
and others!