8am Holy Communion service (BCP)
Bible Readings: Acts 11: 1 - 18 and John 13: 31 - 3510:30am Annual Parochial Church Meeting
6:30pm Zoom Evensong
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 and Passcode: 168200Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
Our APCM this Sunday in church at 10:30am, beginning with an opening devotion. Chance for us all to pray and support the church family. Finishing time 11:30am so to have refreshments following as normal in the centre. Accounts and reports at the back of church. Please note that being the third Sunday, Matins - that would normally have taken place on this date - will instead take place on the fifth Sunday of this month - the 29th of May. Apology for the APCM please send to either Caroline Howe (PCC Secretary) or Rev Mark.
Full listing of our events to celebrate Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee - also flyer to distribute if possible.
Prayer for Ukraine and ways you can help
Church opening times - now includes Saturday!
Coffee and cake fellowship dates
Christian Aid Collection at Railway Station
Ascension Day services - morning church and evening Team service
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank - update of items required and not require
And other notices!