4th & 11th April 2021

Dear Friends,

May I extend to all you blessings for Easter as we come to celebrate Christ's resurrection. May the good news of his victory over sin and death inspire us as we come to 'return' to the rhythms of life and worship.

Tomorrow is Good Friday and we have two services in church - 10:30am Family Service and 2pm Reflections around the Cross. Although both services are ticketed there is plenty of space available and so just turn up. At 7:45pm we have a Zoom service and login details are: id - 853 1283 9212: Passcode: 374150.

On Easter Eve can I warmly thanks all those who are decorating the church with flowers. Bless you! We have a service for Easter Eve by Zoom and the login details are the same as for Good Friday evening service.

On Easter Sunday a warm welcome is extended to any (up early) to our 6:30am Sunrise service outside (and we will be singing as we are permitted to do). There will also be a welcome hot drink afterwards. Our 8am service is unticketed and so please just turn up. There are a few tickets still available for our 10:30am Family Communion service, followed by an outdoor Easter Egg hunt. The deadline to reserve them is 12noon Easter Saturday.

(Thereafter services are then run without the need of ticketing).

Every blessing


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