Sunday 18th of April Third Sunday of Easter
Sunday Services:
8am BCP Holy Communion (physical)
10:30am BCP Matins (physical)
6:30pm Evensong (Zoom - Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394; Passcode: 168200)
Midweek Service:
10am Thursday (physical)
For those on the run – highlights below from the newsletter. Contact Mark in the first instance if interested…
Annual Parochial Church Meeting: Takes place in Church on Sunday 25th April. Still have Vacancies for one representative for the Parochial Church Council and one representative for Joint Council.
Sunday Club: returns this Sunday
Youth Club: resuming before September. We need helpers to assist Julia and Andrea. The intention is to kick start with an event – such as ‘Crazy Golf’ in Tonbridge.
Play and Praise for under 5’s: (formerly ‘Monkey’s) resuming week of the 28th of June.
Coffee after worship: Resuming on 23rd May after the 10:30am service in the Centre.