Dear friends,
First of all, before anything else, we are recording the death of Graham Roper, faithful member of the church, giving of himself in many ways to the church (not least the Kippington Centre) and the community. As we commend Graham to the Lord his God, please remember in your prayers Wendy and the family.
Other main notices
At 10am at St Mary’s Kippington there will be a Team Service of Welcome to Rev Stephen Osei-Mensah, Assistant Curate to the benefice of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry. All are warmly invited to this special service. Please note that with the number of people expected we are asking people to wear face masks throughout the service. We are running Sunday Club and so please bring your children to church and during the first hymn they go over to the Centre for their activities, returning to the Church to present Steve and his wife Emma with a gift just before the Peace. There will be donation plates at the back of church and the collection taken will be sent to the Mission Aviation Trust of which Steve is a Trustee. There will be refreshments served in the Centre following worship.
Benefice Evensong will resume this Sunday evening at 6:30pm via Zoom. Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 Passcode: 168200
This month Team Prayers will be taking place from St Mary Kippington on Tuesday 28th of September. Physical service in church at 10am, followed by refreshments at 10:45am. At 6:45pm for a 7pm start time there will be Team Prayers via Zoom until 7:30pm. Meeting ID: 815 0902 9021. Passcode: 218012
Thanksgiving Service for Dorothy Ashpitel: Jane Jessop, Bill Ashpitel and Maggie Moat would like to say thank you for the many kind letters they received when their mother, Dorothy Ashpitel died in March, and would like to welcome all her friends to a service in celebration of her life at St Mary Kippington on the 2nd of October at 2:30pm, followed by refreshments in the Kippington Centre.
> Further details on these and more in this week’s newsletter