19th September 2021

Sunday 19th of September – Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

  • 8am BCP Holy Communion; 10:30am Morning Prayer (BCP). Bible readings for services: James 3:13 to 4:3 and 7–8a and Mark 9:30-37

  • 12noon Baptism. 6pm Autumn worship for Sevenoaks and District at the Vine Baptist Church.

For those on the run

Highlights from the newsletter for this Sunday.

Sunday 26th of September 10am Benefice service of welcome to our new Assistant Curate at St Mary Kippington.

  • Due to a larger congregation than normal we are inviting people to wear face masks throughout the service. (Excluding joint benefice choir and music group).

  • We are inviting people as they leave to make a donation concerning the Mission Aviation Fellowship of which Steve is a Trustee.

  • Sunday School operates as normal, but youngsters meet in the Centre and then will be coming into church just before the Peace to present to Steve and Emma something made!

  • Refreshments follow in the Centre.

This month Team Prayers will be taking place from St Mary Kippington on Tuesday 28th of September. Physical service in church at 10am, followed by refreshments at 10:45am. At 6:45pm for a 7pm start time there will be Team Prayers via Zoom until 7:30pm.

Sevenoaks Counselling Annual Open Meeting - Wednesday 29th September 2021 
Members of the congregation are warmly invited to our Annual Open Meeting on Wednesday 29th September 2021 at 7:30pm. It will take place at St Luke's Church and the guest speaker will be John Ellis.

Harvest Lunch 3rd of October at 12noon in the centre, following Family Service in Church at 10:30am and a twenty minute inter-active quiz following at 11:30am. Please sign the list in church if coming or email Mark.

> Download the newsletter in full