Reflecting & Suggesting Exercise - Share Your Views regarding the Team Ministry

Dear Friends,

Since my appointment as Team Rector, it has been particularly important for me to emphasize that there is not a ‘marking of time’ to be seeking to lead the Team until both Team Vicar’s are physically in place. Rather I am seeking to express leadership during these initial first few months in four particular ways:

  • Being present in worship/ events across the team as much as I can.

  • Undertaking a visiting schedule across the team – whose goal is that by the end of March 2021 up to 500 people who attend all of our three churches will have had a get together with me, physically or by Zoom.

  • Bringing together all three ‘new’ Parochial Church Councils (following the last of the church’s APCM’s) before the year’s end to reflect on possible areas of collaborative ministry from 2021.

  • Rolling out a ‘reflecting and suggesting’ exercise to every member of the three churches.

I have been at pains to emphasize how valued and important everyone is across the Team and enabling everyone to have a chance to participate in this exercise is a way for me to highlight this. As the Team begins to take shape I need to hear from everyone about their reflections and suggestions concerning the life of our churches. This reflecting and suggesting exercise makes up this communication. People can do this exercise by themselves or with others in the family or as friends. Not only do I hope you will find it useful, but your suggestions will then be valued contributions for our journey as a team going forward.

I would appreciate responses back by the end of November using the link below. We will also be distributing paper copies to those people we know do not have access to a computer, plus copies will be available at the back of the church, or by asking Mark directly.


Annual Financial Report from the APCM

Attached is the presentation on the accounts given at the APCM on September 13th. The key messages were:

  1. We must continue to balance daily running costs against income even with Covid.

  2. In order to continue covering our costs in 2020, we need considerably more income.

  3. The number of Planned Givers has reached a plateau but is still well below the levels of the recent past.

  4. Voluntary income remains vulnerable to relatively few key donors more so than ever.

  5. Other income is significantly dependent on the Centre recovering from Covid restrictions.

  6. Consequently we can’t afford to slacken our efforts to increase voluntary giving through Planned Giving wherever possible, so that we can plan more effectively.

  7. The state of the Diocesan finances will continue to put pressure on us to provide as much support as possible.

  8. Please sign up to if you buy anything online. We now have sixteen members and so far have raised over £750 in 4 years (and it’s quite painless!)

A reminder also that our full 2019 PCC Annual Financial Report & Accounts document can be found on the Charity Commission website.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting - 13th September 2020

Dear Friends,

The APCM for St Mary’s Kippington will be taking place on Sunday the 13th of September, following a shortened act of worship from 10:30am. I hope that, while we observe all appropriate social restrictions, people will be able to come and commend to God the life of the church and all those who have given of themselves in service to our fellowship.

It is with sadness that after a challenging and difficult interregnum, Sally and Sue have decided that they will not be standing again as churchwardens at this year’s APCM. I know that the congregation will want to express their thanks for all that they have done for the life of the church during their time in office, as I and Karen have personally as well for their kindness and help given to us during the brief time we have been with you.

The reality of the situation therefore is that I am seeking new churchwardens in what amounts to a noticeably short period of time – a request to people who don’t know me yet and I them!

A churchwarden is de facto appointed for one year only – as that appointment is always ratified at the next year’s APCM. Due to the Covid19 situation no church’s APCM’s could take place in April and all were delayed. However, in 2021 APCM’s will once again return to their traditional month and so churchwardens would only need to be prepared to stand for seven months.

I am therefore seeking colleagues, senior lay representatives of the church, who will support both me, this church and its family, and the new wider team during this period.

Colleagues who will guide and inform me, being new, on the life of the church and its parish.

Colleagues who will work with the Parochial Church Council to foster the management, maintenance and mission of the church. Seeking to maintain order and promoting peace and unity. Paying special attention to the specific needs of children, young people and vulnerable adults; ensuring that the parish has proper procedures for safeguarding, complaints and grievances; and working with the Archdeacon and Bishop in all things to do with parish and diocese.

I am mindful that the ask is a ‘big’ one from me and so would see it as important to spend time with anyone who wished to discuss the positions.

Please also note that we have three vacancies for PCC arising from one resignation and two where people’s terms of office have been completed.

Finally, there are Deanery Synod elections, with two places to be elected from this church.

The APCM papers and nomination forms can be either downloaded here from the website or found at the back of church.

Family Service - 6th September 2020

Given the success of our last family service, weather-permitting, we intend to hold the 10.30am family service on Sunday 6th September outside again. Please note the following guidance:

  • You will need to bring your own seats.

  • If you have children we suggest you bring rugs or ground cover for them to sit on. (Please also bring paper and pencils/pens for the children to use during the service).

  • Children will need to stay with you throughout the service.

  • When you arrive please park in the church car park. You will then be asked to wait in a 'distanced queue' in order to sign an attendance list for 'Track and Trace' if needed. It is suggested that you bring your own pen.

  • You will then be directed towards the seating area. You will need to be seated with a two metre space around your family.

  • If you need to use the toilets you are asked to wear a mask and there is a one-way system for using the Parish Centre, with only one person or family in the building at a time.

  • At the end of the service you will be directed back to the car park, again in a distanced queue.


Appointment of the Revd Mark Bridgen as Team Rector

The Bishop of Rochester and the Patronage Board of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry are pleased to announce that, subject to the usual legal formalities, The Revd Mark Bridgen, at present Rector of All Saints, Paston, will be the first Team Rector of the newly-established West Sevenoaks Team Ministry.

Mark is married to Karen who works in community care and they have four children. He has spent time in Zimbabwe and undertaken ministry in a variety of urban and rural settings, including Kidderminster, Norwich, Longbridge in Birmingham, Wednesbury and the villages in Staffordshire, before his present appointment in Peterborough.

Mark is really looking forward to taking up this post and to getting to know everyone in the three parishes. He is likely to be instituted and inducted in late July/August, although this is entirely dependent upon Covid-19 restrictions. He would very much appreciate your prayers for himself and his family at this time.

Anne Bourne appointed to Team Ministry

To the church family of St. Mary Kippington,

A very happy Easter to you all.

The diocese has asked us to send this announcement to you all,

“We are delighted to announce that, with the agreement of all 3 PCCs, Anne Bourne is being licensed by the Archdeacon of Tonbridge on 15th April as Associate Rector of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry. This appointment is made on an interim basis, part-time, for 12 months, to support all 3 parishes within the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry during this time of crisis and whilst recruitment to substantive posts remains delayed.”

Lynette Leithead remains our Associate Vicar.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact either of us.

With our love and blessings,

Sally and Sue
Church Wardens

Electoral Roll Update 2020

The electoral roll needs to be updated before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 26th April 2020. If your name is on the elctoral roll, then you are eligible to vote at the meeting. All PCC members and all Sidespersons must be on the roll.

  • If you are already on the roll, and would like to stay on, no action is required. Names will be carried forward for 2020.

  • If you would like your name to be added, please obtain a form from Zoe Anderson. You need to be baptized and aged 16 or over. If you live outside the parish, it is a requirement that you have attended this church for at least 6 months

  • If you have moved in the past year, please advise your new address.

  • If you would like your name to be removed, please also email Zoe.

The deadline for all changes in Sunday 29th March. The electoral roll will then be renewed and no more changes can be made until after the meeting.