Kippington Cat - Then & Now!

This is the last ever issue of Kippington Cat.  He first wrote his comic for us back in 2008, and came out of retirement in 2020 to provide some fun and activity ideas as Covid19 lockdowns started to take effect.  He is now retiring for good, and this is his final offering.  (For a bit of fun, he has also sent in one of the olden versions from 2012, so you can see how much he changed and grew!) 

Thank you for reading and goodbye.


Holy Communion in memory and thanksgiving for the life of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

The benefice of the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry, in recognition of the life of service in support of Her Majesty the Queen and towards the nation and commonwealth given by Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, is holding a service of Holy Communion in memory and with thanksgiving.

The service is to be held at St Mary Kippington on Friday the 16th of April at 7pm.

Please note, this is a ticketed service.


Ticket Booking for Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday & Easter Services

Following the PCC’s recent decision to recommence the 10.30 Sunday services and in order to manage numbers safely, the following services are to be ticketed events. There is no charge for the tickets, but there is a maximum number of 6 per booking. Ticket sales will start at 9am on 25th February and close a couple of days before each service. Please ensure you read the Church’s Covid-19 safety guidelines before attending a service.

March 14th: Mothering Sunday Family Communion 10:30am
A service for all ages giving God thanks for mothers an all those who show to us mothering qualities. Special gift for all women to be presented during the service.

Booking closed

March 28th: Palm Sunday Family Communion 10:30am
A service celebrating Jesus' entry that begins Holy Week. Palm crosses distributed.

Booking closed

April 2nd: Good Friday Family Service 10:30am
Remembering Jesus's death on the Cross. A special service for families.

Booking closed

April 2nd: Good Friday 2pm
An hour's service of word and music reflecting on the Cross. For adults.

Booking closed

April 4th: Easter Sunday Family Communion 10:30am
A service for all ages celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Easter Egg Hunt outside at the end of the service for children.

Booking closed

Announcement Regarding Services during the National Lockdown

Dear Friends,

Last night at its monthly meeting the Parochial Church Council of St Mary Kippington took the decision, by majority vote, that for a period of four weeks (four consecutive Sundays), in recognising the very difficult landscape we remain in, the significant fall in numbers seen at its 10:30am service time, and that many of those who still attend do so because of the role they have in worship, that this service time is discontinued for the Sundays 31st of January, 7th, 14th and 21st of February.

However, the PCC also recognises the importance of public worship whereby people who wish can still come and receive the spiritual comfort they need. Consequently, the 8am service continues to take place on these Sundays. It is a service whereby there is no-one with a 'role' present and one that the Priest can organise and deliver by themselves.

This decision is in place for the next four Sundays and the PCC meets on Monday 22nd of February to review and make a decision on the basis of that review concerning the 10:30am service from the 28th of February.

St Mary Kippington is not closed for worship. It has cancelled one of its morning services (10:30am) for a limited period of time, while keeping the other morning service (8am) open.

As Rector I am indebted to those with roles in worship that have enabled the 10:30am service to continue set against the reality of the vast number of churches and cathedrals closed for public worship. The decision taken has not been easy, but one appropriate to the situation we continue to find ourselves in.

The newsletter sent out later on this week will, as always, provide full details of all the different ways worship within the team continues to be maintained on a host of different platforms.

If there are any questions please do contact me.

Every blessing


West Sevenoaks Team Ministry Appointments

The Bishop of Rochester and the Patron, The West Sevenoaks Team Ministry Patronage Board, are pleased to announce the appointment of the first ever Team Vicars in the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry, subject to the usual legal formalities.

The Revd Anne Bourne, at present Interim Associate Rector in the West Sevenoaks Team Ministry will become Team Vicar with special responsibility for St Luke’s, Sevenoaks and will continue to work on a part-time basis. Anne is likely to be licensed in February.

The Revd Andy Finn, who currently lives in Southsea, will become Team Vicar, with special responsibility for St Mary the Virgin, Riverhead with Dunton Green working on a full-time basis. He is likely to be licensed in January. 


Alongside teaching, Anne sensed a calling to ordination in her early career and studied part-time with the South East Institute for Theological Education. Following ordination, Anne served her title at St Luke’s in Sevenoaks. She is excited to be appointed as Team Vicar and, with her family of Ian, Jonathan, Esther and Rebekah, looking forward to working with us in living out our baptismal calling.

The Finn Family.jpg

Before being ordained Andy was a youth worker in Saffron Walden. Following ordination, Andy has served in Southsea, Chelmsford and Ingatestone. Having grown up in Folkestone, Andy is excited about returning to Kent. With his wife Tamar, and children Reuben, Caleb and Esther they are looking forward to joining us in the West Sevenoaks Team to continue to grow God's kingdom.

Anne and Andy would very much appreciate our prayers at this time.

Ticket Booking for Christmas Services

We all are aware that Christmas will be marked in a vastly different landscape than it was in 2019. The restrictions of Covid19 (ensuring that everyone can celebrate this season of the year in a safe manner) means that we have to restrict numbers at our main Christmas service times. They are, therefore, ticketed events. This means that you will have seating reserved for you in Church within a safe and protective environment. The reality is that we are simply not able to accommodate the numbers who came to Christmas services in 2019, but at least by repeating certain services we will be able to offer more than we would otherwise have been able to do. Please though do book up early as we cannot guarantee seats for you close to Christmas. Finally, if you do book tickets and then find you cannot attend, please let us know. A ticket means a reserved seat(s) in your church with your name on. We would hate for this to be empty on the day when we could have given it to someone else!

To Book…

Please use the links below to book seats at your chosen service(s). You can book a maximum number of 6 tickets per person. Please do not book tickets unless you know you will be using them.

If you know of anyone who is unable to use a computer to book tickets online, then please either book for them, or ask them to get in touch with Mark, either by email or telephone 01732 452112 / 07375299944, or email Charlie and we can book on their behalf.

Nine Carols and Readings for Christmas

A lovely and meaningful way to experience the unfolding story of the birth of Jesus through well known passages of Scripture, with choir-led anthems and carols.

Sunday December 13th 5.00pm and
Sunday December 20th 5.00pm

Family Nativity Service on Christmas Eve

A delightful way to hear the story of the birth of Jesus told through carol and drama. Children come dressed if they wish, as angels, shepherds or kings. 45 minute service length.

Thursday December 24th 3.00pm and
Thursday December 24th 4.30pm

Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve

A beautiful service of holy communion to mark the birth of Jesus as Christmas Eve turns to Christmas Day.

Thursday December 24th 11.30pm

Family Service on Christmas Day

An enjoyable and celebratory service for all the family to welcome the birth of Jesus on this special day.

Friday December 25th 9.15am and
Friday December 25th 10.30am

Remembrance Sunday (Updated)

Dear Friends,

Please note St Mary Kippington is offering three ways of worshipping on Remembrance Sunday 8th of November - physical, on line video or by Zoom.

Outdoor Service

Firstly, our outdoor service (permitted under Government regulations) prompt start at 10:45am. Outside the church around the war memorial:

  • Track and trace and hand washing station on arrival.

  • Please queue from car park

  • The service will not be any longer than 25 minutes maximum

  • You do not have to wear face masks unless you want to

  • Please stand - respecting social distancing - in a circle facing inwards to the war memorial

  • Singing is permitted

  • Link to the Order of Service

Online Video

Secondly, our online video to use at home which can be accessed via our web site or from the link below from Friday the 6th of November from 10am

Zoom Evensong

Thirdly, every Sunday evening (starting on the 8th of November) 6:15pm for a 6:30pm start time Evensong Service by Zoom (finishing at 7:15pm)

  • Please contact us or subscribe to our mailing list to get the Zoom details

Every blessing,
