Reflecting & Suggesting Exercise - Share Your Views regarding the Team Ministry

Dear Friends,

Since my appointment as Team Rector, it has been particularly important for me to emphasize that there is not a ‘marking of time’ to be seeking to lead the Team until both Team Vicar’s are physically in place. Rather I am seeking to express leadership during these initial first few months in four particular ways:

  • Being present in worship/ events across the team as much as I can.

  • Undertaking a visiting schedule across the team – whose goal is that by the end of March 2021 up to 500 people who attend all of our three churches will have had a get together with me, physically or by Zoom.

  • Bringing together all three ‘new’ Parochial Church Councils (following the last of the church’s APCM’s) before the year’s end to reflect on possible areas of collaborative ministry from 2021.

  • Rolling out a ‘reflecting and suggesting’ exercise to every member of the three churches.

I have been at pains to emphasize how valued and important everyone is across the Team and enabling everyone to have a chance to participate in this exercise is a way for me to highlight this. As the Team begins to take shape I need to hear from everyone about their reflections and suggestions concerning the life of our churches. This reflecting and suggesting exercise makes up this communication. People can do this exercise by themselves or with others in the family or as friends. Not only do I hope you will find it useful, but your suggestions will then be valued contributions for our journey as a team going forward.

I would appreciate responses back by the end of November using the link below. We will also be distributing paper copies to those people we know do not have access to a computer, plus copies will be available at the back of the church, or by asking Mark directly.
