No 8am services at St Mary Kippington or St Luke's as both Anne and Steve are away. 8am service of BCP Holy Communion at St Mary Virgin which Mark is taking. All welcome.
10:30am Parish Communion
Bible Readings: Philippians 3: 4b - 14 and Matthew 21: 33 - 46. At this service we welcome Kylie and Bhim Bahadur, our Mission Partners working with the Church Mission Society.
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
Below are listed some notices to focus on, but please do read the newsletter that contains information about these notices and everything happening in the life of St Mary Kippington.
New coffee rota out - please sign!
Sharon will be taking orders for Advent Calendars.
Boxes in the children's corner for donations towards our Christmas Fair - coffee morning for the bottle stall being advertised as well.
Details of the funeral service for John Morrell (former sidesman)
New email address for Karen - Kippington Centre Manager