8am Holy Communion BCP and 10:30am Parish Communion and Baptism
Bible Readings: Revelation 5: 1 - 10 and John 1: 43 - endAt our 10:30am service we welcome Harvey Morris being baptised into the Lord's Family.
(Steve is taking both of our services, as Mark is at St Mary the Virgin).
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
Below are listed some notices to focus on, but please do read the newsletter that contains information about these notices and everything happening in the life of St Mary Kippington.
Details of Team Ash Wednesday Service and our Lent course here at church
Dates for the next two sessions of Kippington Youth Group
January quiz evening - last call
Coffee rota for Sunday 10:30am for people to sign.
Date to receive material for February edition of Forward Move.
Sedecim choir coming back to sing Choral Evensong in February