8am Holy Communion (BCP). Bible Readings: 2 Peter 1: 16 – 19 and Luke 9: 28 – 36
10:30am Family Service. Bible Reading: John 14: 1 – 6. The service will be in the centre and not outside due to the weather!
8am and 10:30am services take place as normal in August. Please see the newsletter attached for Bible Readings.
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
Please note that the newsletter contains all the details of Sunday services in August - 13th, 20th and 27th. The weekly newsletter will resume for the 3rd September. There will be now no mailings until then. The only other mailing that will go out will be during the week of the 20th of August - Forward Move monthly magazine for September.
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter.
New notice: deadline date for September edition of Forward Move
Live Streaming - we don't live stream on the first Sunday of the month
New notice: Bible readings included for all service times in August
Collecting for the Ukraine: deadline end of August
Dates for afternoon tea September to November
Pit Stop series for 2023 - dates and topics in the newsletter
Ringing the bell before worship - volunteers.
Team confirmation service - people wanting to be confirmed
The Beckwith's, whom we support from Mission Aviation Trust, coming on the 10th of September
New notice: Harvest Sunday worship and social - 1st of October
New notice: Bhim and Kylie, whom we support from the Church Mission Society, coming on the 8th of October
Christmas Fair end of November. Co-ordinator appointed. Would you like to help on the committee?
Giving to the church without cash - QR code
Ride and Stride
Quiz evening in September: sign up sheet out from August
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank request