Sunday Services
8am BCP Holy Communion
Bible Readings: Hebrews 9:24 - end and Mark 1: 14 - 2010:30am Family Service (Kippington Centre)
Bible Reading: Ephesians 4: 25 – 27 & 29 - 326:30pm Evensong
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394; Passcode: 168200
For those on the run
Full details to be found in this week’s newsletter.
Forward Move for November out in church and on the web site. Huge thanks to Sue as editor. After over ten years Sue is standing down with the December/ January edition - interested ..?
Best wishes to Youth Club who Sunday evening are going bowling, followed by eating pizza.
Thank you from Jenny re bottles - coffee morning. Still on the look out for more bottles!
Christmas craft afternoon for children 3 to 10. Sunday 28th of November in the centre from 3pm to 5pm. Book via Jean Day.
Advent Study course (Zoom). The four prophets of Advent. Monday evenings from 7:30pm to 9pm, beginning November 29th.
Desperately seeking two people to come on our sound rota - 10:30am service time.
Interested in decorating the Christmas Tree that the church will have as featuring in the festival of trees at St. Mary the Virgin - 11th/12th of December?