8am Holy Communion BCP and 10:30am Family Service (Centre)
Bible Readings: Acts 4: 32 - 35 and John 20: 19 - 29
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
Below are listed some notices to focus on, but please read the newsletter that contains information about these notices and everything happening in the life of St Mary Kippington.
Please find at the back of church a few printed copies of the APCM reports and accounts. These are only produced for those who cannot easily access the reports and accounts on our web site. The accounts and reports, together with last year's APCM minutes are now on the web site to view in preparation for our APCM in church on 14th April at 10:30am.
Thank you to all those who helped in many ways from Palm Sunday to Easter Day.
Couple of people to join our team of people who offer intercessions at our 10:30am services (not Family Service)
Rota out for refreshments and help to put out tables for refreshments
New email address to contact concerning notices for the newsletter and contact details for our new Centre Manager. Thank you to Kate for taking it on and Karen our former Centre Manager for all she has done.
Ways that you can help from mid April during the church's Interregnum. One role left. Needing three people to join three others in (one day a week) opening and locking up church.