Sunday 6th June First Sunday after Trinity
8am BCP Holy Communion and 10:30am Family Service
8am BCP Holy Communion: 2 Corinthians 4: 13 – 5: 1 and Mark 3: 20 – end
10:30am Family Service: Acts 1: 4 - 11
6:30pm Evensong service
Job 2 and Acts 8: 26 - end
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 Passcode: 168200
For those on the run (full details in the newsletter)
Family Service is outdoors! Please sit in household bubbles, bring chairs or something to sit on, music group will be playing, congregational singing (!), refreshments following, plants for sale.
Next monthly coffee and tea (and cake!) fellowship event in the Hall – Wednesday 16th of June, 10:30am to 11:30am. Just turn up!
Still looking for some sidespeople to help welcome people to service times!
Forward Move out this week
Bible course happening online from St. Mary the Virgin