8am Holy Communion (BCP)
Thank you to Rev Richard Howlett for taking the service.10:30am Matins (BCP Morning Prayer)
Bible Readings. Romans 14: 1 - 12 and Matthew 18: 21 - 35
Thank you to Laurence and Elizabeth Pearce taking the service.Please note that the newsletter covers Sundays 17th and 24th September, so no mailing next week. Services for 24th on the newsletter.
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
Below are listed some notices to focus on, but please do read the newsletter that contains information about everything happening in the life of St Mary Kippington.
Thanks to Martin Bush for cycling during the ride and stride. Please let him have your sponsor money as soon as you can.
Kippington Youth Group 24th September 3pm to 4:30pm. Hot dogs, games, God slot, fellowship and loads of fun. For Years 6 to Years 10.
Harvest Social 1st October - hour's social after worship. Sign up sheet in church.
Taking orders for Advent Calendars from 1st October
Looking forward to welcoming Kylie and Bhim from the Church Mission Society on 8th October to our 10:30am service.