Dear Church Family,
This week we are sending you a reflection that Archdeacon Julie Conalty has given us on the passage set for this week. Do take time to read it and reflect on it, as we all look forward to a return to church life in whatever form that will take.
We have made plans to open our church as from July 19th, but only for 8am communion. On 19th this will be led by Anne Bourne, and July 26th and Aug 2nd, Sue Fauchon-Jones will be the celebrant. You can rest assured that we are trying to proceed with discernment and the utmost caution and this seemed to be the most sensible option. We have many vulnerable and older folk in our congregation and we want to make sure everyone is accommodated as best we can. We will wait for Mark’s institution before restarting the 10.30am services.
As a result of these decisions, our church will be open during the week only on Thursday mornings for private prayer, 9am-12noon. This will give us enough time to thoroughly clean the church before opening it up on Sundays.
Mark and his family arrive in the Vicarage on July 21/22 and his institution will be on Saturday August 8th. As a welcome to him and a welcome to us all as we return back to Kippington as a church family, we are planning an outdoor family service on Sunday August 2nd. More details of this gathering will follow, but the vision is for an opportunity for as many of us as possible to be able to meet, within the social distancing guidelines, to thank God for all that he has done for us and to enjoy fellowship and friendship. We pray for fine weather and that many of you, young and old, will join us on that day.
Deuteronomy 6v5-7:
‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.’
God bless
Sally and Sue
This week’s attachments: