8am BCP Holy Communion service and 10:30am Parish Communion
Bible Readings: Romans 6: 1b - 11 and Matthew 10: 24 - 39We welcome Rev Richard Howlett (Dorothy Lowe's son-in-law) who is kindly taking both services this morning - Mark is at St Mary the Virgin. We also welcome David Williamson who is playing the organ as Len is away.
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in the newsletter.
Live Streaming - we don't live stream on the first Sunday of the month
Recording the death of Joan Taylor
New notice: July and August edition of Forward Move out at the back of church and attached here.
Appeal for people to sign the list serving refreshments after 10:30am service
Pit Stop series for 2023 - dates and topics in the newsletter
Return of the chalice from July 23rd for those who wish.
The launch of our 'Generous Giving' campaign
Afternoon tea and cakes/ coffee morning and cakes!
Return of Kippington Youth Group!
Giving to the church without cash - QR code
Quiz evening in September
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank request