24th October 2021

Sunday Services

  • 8am BCP Holy Communion

  • 10:30am Holy Communion. Bible Readings: Hebrews 7: 23 - end & Mark 10: 46 – end
    (We warmly welcome Steve who is acting as Deacon at both 8am and 10:30am service times; and Andy (hot foot from St Mary the Virgin) who will be preaching and officiating at the 10:30am service. (Mark is at Kippington 8am and St Luke’s 10:15am)

  • 6:30pm Evensong
    Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
    Passcode: 168200

From the Newsletter

  • Coffee, Tea and Cakes. Monday 25th in the Centre between 10:30am to 11:30am

  • All Soul's service Saturday 30th at 10:30am. List to sign in church to write any names of loved ones who have died to be remembered.

  • Sunday 31st at St Luke's 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Our Team Bright and Light party. Email contacts in the newsletter if your child(ren) wish to go. Names by 24th.

  • Real Advent calendar. Order to Sharon Fishwick by 7th of November.

  • Need (ideally) two more people to join our Sound Team. Check microphones, monitor sound levels and record the service on a Sunday. Have a word with Roger Fishwick or Rev Mark if interested. Once every seven Sundays.

Details on these and more in this week’s newsletter.