23rd June 2024 - Fourth Sunday after Trinity


We would like to extend a very warm welcome and a big thank you to Rev Anne Bourne, presiding at both our 8.00am and our 10.30am Holy Communion Services.

The church is wi-fi connected.
You will find instructions as to how to connect to it at the bottom of the newsletter.

Giving can be through our QR code, our Planned Giving weekly envelopes and the Collection Plate.



During interregnum, there are no Holy Communion Services on Thursdays, however we are very welcome to join St Luke's in their Lady Chapel.   Please see the newsletter for further details.

To access the newsletter, please click [here].  


New notices this week:

Details of Elizabeth Harsant's Thanksgiving Service can be found in the newsletter as well as asking you to car-share where possible.  

Our Kippington Youth Group has an exciting Sunday afternoon of activities coming up.  Further details are in the newsletter. 

Rev Anne has issued an invitation to us to attend Election Day Prayers and Services at St Luke's.  There will be a time for private prayer as well as services throughout the day.  Please see the newsletter for further information regarding this.  


If you have any notices for next week's newsletter, please email them to Sue, no later than Tuesday, via the office email:  office@stmaryssevenoaks.org.  Thank you.