8am BCP Holy Communion service and 10:30am Shortened Holy Communion service (twenty minutes). Followed by Vestry Meeting (election of churchwardens) and Annual Parochial Church Council (remaining in church)
Bible readings: Acts 2: 14a and 34 - 41 and Luke 24: 13 - 35
3pm to 5pm Drop in for those from the Ukrainian community (Centre)
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
Live Streaming - we don't live stream on the first Sunday of the month
10am service on Thursday 27th April
Pit Stop series for 2023 - dates and topics in the newsletter
Next two month dates for afternoon tea and cakes/ coffee morning and cakes!
Details of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting
Nomination forms out concerning Deanery Synod, Parochial Church Council and Churchwarden. Vacancies for two members to serve on the PCC and one on the Deanery Synod. Have a word with Mark if interested.
Giving to the church without cash - QR code
Thank you letters from all the charities on display
Coronation celebration in worship and social on the 7th May
Ending of recording of services on the web site. Assistance available to anyone who would like to access the live stream
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank requests