8am BCP Holy Communion & 10:30am Parish Communion (Choir and Music Group)
1 Corinthians 1: 10 - 18 & Matthew 4: 12 - 23(We welcome the Rev Ian Aveson who is kindly taking our 10:30am service as Mark is at the 9:30am service at St Mary the Virgin, being Andy's last Sunday).
3pm to 5pm. Our 'drop in' for members from the Ukrainian community (centre). Needed - one more person to help with refreshments. Please let Mark know if you can help.
4pm ecumenical service marking the 'Week of Prayer for Christian Unity'. The Drive, Methodist Church. All welcome.
The church is now wi-fi connected. See details in the newsletter for how to connect. Giving can also be done through our QR code.
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
Live Streaming - we don't live stream on the first Sunday of the month
New notice: details of our Lent groups
Pit Stop series for 2023 - Your choice
Play and Praise - on pause
Ukrainian drop in centre resumes - 2nd and 4th Sundays 3pm to 5pm. Volunteers needed to help serve refreshments.
Ukrainian seeking accommodation
New notice: Forward Move deadline
Team service for Ash Wednesday (Kippington)
Giving to the church without cash - QR code
Warm welcome to David Kitley former Vicar coming in February
Afternoon tea and cakes 2023 dates
Service change in March
Mother's Union Archdeaconry Lady Day Service date at Riverhead
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank requests