14th March 2021

Ways to worship this Mothering Sunday

Our 10:30am service resumes this Sunday. Please remember to obtain tickets for it via the web site (by the end of today, 12th March please).

Attending a service physically

Public worship takes place at St Mary Kippington at both 8am Holy Communion Service (BCP) and 10:30am Family Communion Service for Mothering Sunday.

Attending a service virtually

  • Zoom service 9:30am Holy Communion from St Mary the Virgin

    Meeting ID: 616 146 1466
    Password: Shoreham01

  • Zoom service 6:30pm Night prayer (open from 6:15pm)

    Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394
    Passcode: 168200

Sermon theme: ‘Living with the shadow of the Cross: 4. Living with the shadow of Addictions.

Watching a worship video for Mothering Sunday.

Accessed via our website (along with the service order that accompanies the video) or on YouTube (available to watch from 6pm Friday 12th March)

This Week’s Attachments