13th March 2022 - Second Sunday of Lent


  • 8am Holy Communion service (BCP) and 10:30am Parish Communion (CW)
    Bible Readings: Philippians 3: 17 - 4: 1 and Luke 13: 31 - end
    (Refreshments following in the Centre)

  • 6:30pm Team Confirmation Service at St Luke's.
    If you can support all our candidates it would be lovely to see you at the service (please wear a mask). If you would prefer to join by Zoom then the log in details are below.
    Meeting ID: 897 9864 8502. Passcode: 241004. Dial by your location: 0208 080 6951. United Kingdom.


For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter.

  • Lent Groups continue on Tuesday afternoons and evening.

  • Ethical Pit Stops - March 16th. Faith and Science - natural bedfellows or natural enemies? (am and pm sessions)

  • Coffee and cake fellowship dates

  • Passing the offertory plate resumes from March 20th.

  • Mothering Sunday Craft Day Saturday 26th of March 3pm to 4:30pm in Church. Book care of Jean.

  • The Cantata choir - concert at St Mary Kippington on Saturday March 26th.

  • Licensing of Sue Fauchon-Jones as Hospital Chaplain by + Simon at St Mary Kippington. Tuesday 29th March. All invited.

  • Annual Meeting of Sevenoaks Churches Together and District.

  • Electoral roll notice in readiness for our APCM.

  • Thank you to Mary Evans as Transport lift co-ordinator. New co-ordinator sought: can you help?