NO 8am Holy Communion service - 8am services at St Luke's or St Mary the Virgin
10:30am Holy Communion and Baptism
Bible Readings: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20 & Luke 6: 17 - 266:30pm Evensong
Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 and Passcode: 168200
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
Contributions to March edition to Forward Move our monthly magazine. Note email addresses on the newsletter.
Lent Group beginning soon (am and pm groups). Let Mark know if you are coming - full details of the course on newsletter.
Ash Wednesdays services 10am said service at Kippington. Team service at 7:30pm at St Mary the Virgin.
Public Notice being displayed concerning live streaming from the church
Streamlined confirmation preparation being offered due to the pandemic for anyone aged 11+ interested in being confirmed. Team confirmation March the 13th.
Ethical pit stop - monthly series of discussions. 23rd of February 10:15am or repeated 7:30pm. What is Christian ethics? Just turn up.
Coffee and cake fellowship dates
Cathedral style Evensong at St Mary Kippington on Sunday 27th of February at 6pm. Visiting choir: Sedecim. All welcome.
Information concerning all the study courses being run throughout 2022.
Real Easter Egg - order yours and one for Loaves and Fishes
Women's World Day of Prayer service at Kippington
Interested in helping as a crucifer at special services?
The Cantata choir - concert at St Mary Kippington on Saturday March 26th.