8am Holy Communion service (BCP)
10:30am Parish Communion
Bible Readings: Romans 5: 1 - 5 and John 16: 12 - 15
(Rev Andy is taking both am services, while Mark takes the services am at St Mary the Virgin)12noon Baptism (Rev Mark)
6:30pm Service of Reflection and Participation on the Lord's Prayer, led by Rev Steve. (At Kippington)
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newsletter
This Wednesday next ethical pit stop: presentation/discussion (7:30pm time only). What does the bible say about life after death.
Information on areas of our church's life that we are seeking to develop
Three questions we would really appreciate you answering!!!
Next deadline for the combined July and August magazine
Litter pick dates around the Kippington Estate
Coffee and Cake dates for July and September (none in August)
St Mary Kippington Church Tour - two 4pm times on a Sunday afternoon led by Diana Atkinson
Updated list for Food Bank
And many other notices!