Dear Friends,
Here at St. Mary Kippington, and across the Team, we continue to offer worship across a variety of platforms. We are continuing to conduct public worship as allowed under the new restrictions and services continue to be 8am Holy Communion (BCP) and 10:30am Parish Communion. (Please note that restrictions do not permit though Sunday Cub to operate).
For those who need to stay away from public worship for very understandable reasons please be aware that you can access our YouTube video for Holy Communion for the first Sunday of Epiphany via this link:
The video goes live from 9am on Thursday the 7th of January. There is also an order of service to be used alongside the video. Please have with you a small piece of bread and glass of wine to symbolically share communion.
Also on this Sunday if you would prefer to take part in Zoom services: then a warm welcome to either -
9:15am Holy Communion via St Mary the Virgin in which Mark is leading the service - ID is 616 146 1466 and the password is stmarys.
or (from 6:15pm) 6:30pm Evensong (also in which Mark is leading) - Meeting ID: 814 9810 6394 and Passcode: 168200
The church has been grateful to Wendy and her excellent team delivering meals to the vulnerable and to members of our Pastoral team who are beginning again to keep in touch with those vulnerable in our congregation through weekly phone calls.
If you have any questions/ ideas about church life at this time please do be in touch.
Every blessing