8am Holy Communion service (BCP)
10:30am Family Communion
(Refreshments following)Distribution of palms at both service times
6:30pm Zoom Evensong
Extending to you all warmest wishes for Easter as together we remember and celebrate all that God has done for us In Jesus through the cross and empty tomb.
Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
For those on the run, highlights below - full details in this week's newlsetter (which covers both this week (10th) and next week (17th).
Full listening of all services from 10th of April to the 24th of April: two week's edition
Church opening times
April Magazine at the back of church
Coffee and cake fellowship dates
Electoral roll notice in readiness for our APCM.
Parochial Church Council nominations (two places available)
Exploring the Big Story - Bible Course from May
Christian Aid Frugal Lunch and Christian Aid Collection at Railway Station
Loaves and Fishes Food Bank - update of items required and not require